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Working Papers
Angela Thody Learning Landscapes for Universities: Mapping the field (2008)
Abstract: This is the first in a series of project working papers. Its aim is to commence the development of a shared vocabulary so that visioning learning landscapes can be realised in the appropriate development of academic estate. The paper explores first, how the terminology of learning landscapes has been employed elsewhere. Secondly, its connections with university conceptualisations past and present are explored as this project aims to retain the strengths of traditional academic environments together with new designs. The impetus to its emergence is next reviewed , its constituent elements and any evidence of estates-related literature. Finally a definition is essayed. Includes an abbreviated version (p.11-14).
Angela Thody What lessons can be transferred to higher education learning landscapes from leardership, governance and management process of school design papers? (2008)
Abstract: This review reports experiences from the schools sector in involving stakeholders in the processes of managing school building design. Its aim was to see if any of this could offer guidance for higher education as their learning landscapes are reconceptualised. School architects and designers have gradually accepted grater stakeholder involvement especially from pupils and to a lesser extent from teachers and many innovative ways have been found to make their participation authentic. These could be adapted in higher education together with teacher education in new pedagogies and better liaison with governors.
Abstract: Schools, Colleges and Universities throughout the UK are grappling with the impact of a changing environment and struggling to identify the extent, type and configuration of future estate needs. The Learning Landscapes project has a stated aim to: “facilitate the dialogue between HEI senior academic managers and their estates directors concerning the future direction of teaching and research practice and its implications for the built estate. “ Clearly dialogue is needed as the future is inherently uncertain – summed up, in relation to the estate, in the Stewart Brand quote “All buildings are predictions.” Dialogues of possibility are clearly important in developing a way forward. However such dialogue inevitably sits in a time and context and is bound by its own understandings. This paper attempts to provide some areas for dialogue and discussion.
- JISC Planning & Designing Technology-Rich Learning Spaces
- Project Press Release
- Space Management Group
- 21st Century Schools:Learning Environments of the Future
- Designing Spaces for Effective Learning (JISC 2006)
- Designing spaces for effective learning: JISC video case studies
- Distinction By Design: RIBA Higher Education Forum 2007
- 21st Century Schools:Learning Environments of the Future
- Education Futures (Woods Bagot 2006)
- Horizon Project reports (nmc/Educause 2008)
- Learning Environments in Tertiary Education (TEFMA, 2006)
- Learning Futures (Innovation Unit 2008)
- Learning Spaces in Art & Design
- Learning Spaces in Higher Education: Positive Outcomes by Design. Proceedings of the Next Generation Learning Spaces 2008 Colloquium (University of Queensland)
- Learning Spaces, ed; Diana G. Oblinger (EDUCAUSE e-book 2006)
- Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Learning Space Design resources
- Space for Learning: handbook for education spaces in museums
- Spaces for Learning: a review of learning spaces in further and higher education (Scottish Funding Council 2006)
- Study of effective evaluation models & practices for technology supported physical learning spaces (JISC 2008)
- Study on How Innovative Technologies are Influencing the Design of Physical Learning Spaces in the Post-16 Sector
- Teaching and Learning Spaces (Australian T+L Council 2007)
- What if…? Re-imagining learning spaces (futurelab 2006)
- What’s next? 21 ideas for 21st century learning (Innovation 2008)
- Planning & Designing Technology-Rich Learning Spaces
- Design and management of open plan technology-rich learning and teaching spaces
- Designing spaces for effective learning (publication)
- Technology-Rich Physical Space Design: An overview of JISC Activities
- Space Management Project Resources
- The Model of the Affordable Estate
- Implementing SMG guidance (PDF)
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