Those engaged in university space management and planning are well used to Post Occupancy Evaluations with a range of tools already available to facilitate this process. Learning Landscape suggests that learning how learning spaces are being used can be informed by research methodologies as well as the space management evaluation tools, i.e., not simply Post Occupancy Evaluation but an ongoing process of pedagogical research. The practice of research into effective teaching and learning practice has been firmly established through the notion of the scholarship of teaching and learning. The key to the effectiveness of the scholarship of teaching and learning is to challenge academics to consider their teaching activities in a research like manner, so as to inform their own teaching practice and to provide further intellectual stimulus and substance to the student experience.


How can academics be encouraged to research the spatial character of their teaching and learning?


Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

JISC – Study of Effective Evaluation Models and Practices for Technology Supported Learning Spaces –

Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning –

International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning –