5.6 Academic Commons: Technology and the classroom – open networked and connected
The Learning Landscapes is set within the context of technology-rich spaces: connecting the virtual and the physical and everything in between ( Dugdale 2009). There is considerable research evidence on the effectiveness of technology as a way of enhancing teaching and learning and the student experience, as well as research into the most effective ways of designing teaching and learning spaces to accommodate best practice in ICT (JISC, EDUCAUSE). Recent studies in HE have focussed on the potential for teaching and learning organised around notions of commons-based peer production i.e., ways of co-ordinating intelligence and information through the internet, into meaningful projects without traditional hierarchical organization structures (Benckler). In these new forms of virtual connectivities knowledge is found in the network rather than the individual or the institution. This is facilitated by a new form of digital scholarship based on an open-source culture of sharing knowledge and intellectual products ( Davidson and Golderg 2009).
Higher Education in a Web 2 World ( JISC 2009) suggests Web 2 provides HE with the opportunity ‘seriously and systematically to begin the process of renegotiating the relationship between tutor and student, to bring about a situation where each recognises and values the other’s expertise and capability and works together to capitalise on it.’ The implications of this renegotiation means ‘drawing students into the development of approaches to teaching and learning’. How might this change of relationship be reflected in the new learning landscapes?
Commons-based peer production
EDUCAUSE – http://www.educause.edu/
Davidson and Goldberg, D. (2009 ) The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age, MIT Press, Massachussets, C. http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/chapters/Future_of_Learning.pdf
JISC – http://www.jisc.ac.uk/
Higher Education in a Web 2 World JISC http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/documents/heweb2.aspx
Laurillard, D. ( 2002) Rethinking University Teaching: A Framework for the Effective Use of Learning Technologies, Routledge Farmer, New York
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